“…For the perfecting of the saints; for the work of the ministry; for the edifying of the body of Christ.” Ephesians. 4:12
The Multimedia Ministry is responsible for making everything that happens in a service seen and heard. It is a “behind the scenes” ministry that is essential to the flow of every event. The Multimedia Ministry is represented by a dedicated collection of technicians who engineer both sound and video production during service; and communication through our website and social media. Our ministry is proudly committed to utilizing new technology in service of our mission, To Reach, Reclaim and Transform Lives through the Power of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to reach beyond the physical walls of our church and affect the lives of others by spreading the knowledge of God’s love, and His desire for us to seek His will for our lives. Our ministry is supported by a great group of volunteers dedicated to spreading God’s Word through technology. If you are interested in joining this ministry or have questions please click the button below and complete the form.