Christian Education involves the administration and coordination of programs or strategies to facilitate the spiritual growth and discipleship of believers into Christ-likeness.We believe in empowering God’s people of all ages in the Word of God. We have adult and youth classes to meet the spiritual needs and development of all members. Our adult Bible Study meets every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm. Our studies are dynamic, Spirit-filled and aimed towards applying the principles of the Bible to practical living. Children’s Sunday School meets each Sunday morning at 8:30am. Children are taught the Bible using a curriculum which is relatable to children and youth. Our New Members Classes are taught and instructed in the: Assurance of Salvation, Articles of Religion, History of the AME Church, Christian Stewardship, Rules and Regulations of the AME Church, Introduction to the Bible, Ministries of the Local Church and Catechism of Faith. If you are interested in joining this ministry or have questions please click the button below and complete the form.